Free Printable
Bariatric Food Journal

Are you ready to take your weight loss journey to the next level? Look no further than your trusty pen and my free printable bariatric food journal.

Say goodbye to technical food tracking apps and hello to the ol’ classic pen and paper way. According to countless studies, using a food journal is the key to shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off.

That’s right, the ultimate weight loss tool is NOT a treadmill. It’s not a pill or powder, nor a great diet book. It really IS your pen! But you already knew that, or you wouldn’t be here! ;)

Owning this free printable bariatric food journal can’t make you lose weight, but using it is certain to help. So grab your pen, and let's get this weight loss party started!

free printable bariatric food journal

Revamp Your Relationship with Food Journaling

You’re probably downloading this free printable bariatric food journal so you can log your food intake daily. Great idea! But…how long are you going to do so? And when you stop doing so, are you going to feel guilty and dream of the day when you can “get back to it?!”

No one journals every day single bite, every single day for their entire life. But if you think you should…and then don’t….you set yourself up for feeling like a failure.

So, get off on the right foot by deciding in advance how long, when, or at what intervals, you’ll journal.

Pro Tips

Journal daily for first 2-3 months after surgery.

Journal the first week of every month for a “check in.” Even if you think you’re doing “great,” commit to a regular accountability check by writing in your food diary. It’s kind of like tuning a piano…tightening the strings on a regular interval to assure you stay in tune.

Journal your “at risk” times only. If you eat the same breakfast and lunch every day and have no struggles there, it doesn’t necessarily benefit you to write it down. But if you want to eat the whole kitchen in the middle of the afternoon or after dinner, those are your “at risk” moments, and having the accountability of your trusty food journal comes in most handy then.

Journal on the weekends. It’s common for weekends to go awry due to the lack of the structure you usually enjoy M-F. So accountability may benefit you most on Sat and Sun.

Don’t Even Think About Skipping THIS Section:

The Notes!

Are you ready to become a master of self-discovery with your food journal?

Then consider writing down everything you eat as a way to become a great “self detective” vs a punitive task. Instead of treating it as a chore, think of it as a tool to uncover the secrets of your eating habits.

Keeping a food diary helps you see where you can make changes. It helps you identify patterns in your eating habits.

The notes section is like your own personal accountability buddy, who's always ready to listen and offer guidance. Use it to reflect on your entries.

Jot down what went well, areas for improvement, and even things you learned about yourself.

You might discover:

  • You tend to snack a lot in the evening.
  • You often reach for sugary or salty foods when you're feeling stressed.
  • You go too long without eating and get overly hungry.
  • When you don’t drink all your water you get a headache and feel hungrier than usual.

By recognizing these patterns, you can take steps to change them. Awareness is the first step to changing.

How to Use
Your Free Printable Bariatric Food Journal


Plan ahead for success. Schedule your mealtimes in advance for best results.

Take a few moments at the start of each day to map out mealtimes (even if it’s a rough estimate). Give yourself little stepping stones to follow throughout the day. This changes eating from being a haphazard activity to a deliberate one.


There are 5 rows to record what you eat throughout the day. (3 meals + 2 snacks, or 5  mini meals). Don’t feel obligated to use every row. As you progress in your journey, your eating schedule will change.

Record not only what you ate, but also how much. Don't just jot down "Greek yogurt," make it specific by noting “½ cup.”

(And when it comes to portioning, ditch the guesswork and break out those measuring cups and spoons!)


Protein grams, Carb grams, Fat grams, Calories

There are designated columns in the bariatric food journal to track the macronutrients: protein, carbs, fat, and also calories.

Be sure not forget the grand finale: tallying up your daily totals and comparing them to your goals (60-80 grams protein, etc.), because nothing feels better than a job well done!


Want to make sure you're hitting your daily 64 oz hydration goal? Look no further than the water section of the free printable bariatric food journal.

Each “water glass” represents 8 ounces of water or other acceptable calorie-free fluids.

It's easy to keep track: If you drink from a 16oz water bottle, check off 2 water glasses each time you finish it. (8oz x 2 = 16 oz).  If your water bottle is 32 ounces, check off 4 water glasses each time you finish it. You get the idea!

(And if you’re falling short, my Top 5 Hydration Tips are sure to help!)

The Bottom Line for Your Bottom Line

Countless studies have proven that using a food journal is the most effective method of losing weight and keeping it off. Writing down what you eat is a form of accountability….whether you ever show it to anyone or not.

Owning this free printable bariatric food journal can’t make you lose weight, but using it is certain to help. 

Just like taking notes in school, writing reinforces knowledge and awareness. And it doesn’t do any good to fudge!

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