Master Bariatric Portion Sizes:
Say Goodbye to Guesswork 

Are you tired of feeling like Goldilocks when it comes to bariatric portion sizes? Too much, too little, never just right? Well, have no fear, because I've got the tools and techniques to make mastering portion control a piece of (small) cake!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means that if you choose to purchase one of the items I earn a small percentage to help support this site without any extra cost to you. 


bariatric portion sizes plate comparison

First things first, let's talk about the importance of small plates and bowls.

Not only do they make for a cute Instagram post, but they also help to trick your brain into thinking you're getting a bigger portion than you actually are. Plus, who wants to feel like they're missing out on anything? Not me, and not you either!

Use the smallest plates and bowls in your collection. Not only will they help control portion size, but they'll also keep your brain happy.  

small portion on a small plate looks just fine. But a small portion on a big plate? That's just depressing.

Plus, it's hard to serve up a small portion on a big plate. Human nature says to fill up ALL the white space!

Official Bariatric PortionWare

I you want to get fancy...You can invest in some "official" bariatric portion dishes to help you proportion meals correctly at home or on the go. There are many fun options to choose from, but my favorites are :

With the right tools, practicing perfect portions is a breeze!


bariatric utensils

But wait, there's more! Small utensils are also key players in the portion control game. It's hard to overfill a small fork or spoon.

Imagine trying to shovel a mountain of food into your mouth with a tiny fork. It's physically impossible.

Plus, visually, small utensils remind you of what you're trying to accomplish - small bariatric portion sizes. So, go ahead and break out those cocktail forks, or invest in some portion control flatware, so you naturally take smaller bites.

The "proper" portion sizes ultimately depend on 3 factors and will vary over time.

Snack Attack!

Let's face it, snacking can be one of the toughest parts of portion control.

You probably already know not to eat directly from multi-serving packages/bags. It's too easy to eat a whole bag, especially of processed packaged snack foods. The solution? Portion controlled snack containers! It's a smart investment that will save you from eating a whole bag at once ever again.

I love this 4 compartment detachable, stackable portion controlled storage container. It's perfect for small, bariatric portion sizes. 

Instant portion perfection!

Bariatric Portion Plan:
How to Make Your Plate Look Like a Picasso

bariatric plate method

If measuring or pre-portioning food isn't your thing, simply use your (small) plate as a guide to the right portion sizes at mealtimes.

If you're at least 6 months-1 year post op, use this "Bariatric Plate Method" as a general guideline:

  • 3-4 oz of protein (or enough to fill half of your plate)
  • ⅓ cup of veggies (or enough to fill 1/4 or more of your plate)
  • 2-4 tablespoons of quality carbs (or enough for just a few bites)

Eat your protein first, veggies next, and if there's room, have the quality carbs. Talk about a win-win-win situation!

Serving Style Matters

How you serve food can make a big difference in portion sizes. 

Good Bye to Family Style Eating

Eating so called "family style," with dishes on the table while you eat, can lead to larger portions. The sight of food is a trigger to eat, often more than you should. To make it easy to have small bariatric portion sizes, serve your food in the kitchen, and take it to the table.

Serve the Right Small Portions to Begin With

And while you're at it, why not take it one step further and use measured serving utensils to dish up your meal.

If you want to take the guesswork out of portion sizes, get the measurement right from the get-go. Ditch the random serving spoon and instead, use a measuring cup or measured ladle to dish up your meal.

This  6 piece ladel set includes 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, 3/4 cup, 1 cup ladles and 1/2 cup and 1 cup slotted spoons. It's a great investment that will make portion control a breeze. And it's a great conversation starter when you have guests over.

Start small in the kitchen and end small at the table. Happy dishing!

Bariatric Portion Sizes:
The Bottom Line for Your Bottom Line

Use any or all of these tools, tips, and techniques and you’ll be dishing up perfectly portioned meals in no time:

And remember...serving style matters.

All of the tips, tools, and techniques listed here will help you start with a small portion. But to make sure you stop at a small portion, practice the skill of mindful eating.

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